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5 Top Morning Nuggets For December

 Becoming a CHAMPION, lets you excel on the playing field of life. A CHAMPION knows  how one interprets events will determine the future. This could be more important than what actually transpired. Are you a CHAMPION? 


There are important merits in learning from mistakes. Yet, many feel that a failure IS THE DEFINING MOMENT. Life will not let you succeed every time. Life is in fact a test. A CHAMPION knows that you can’t flunk life’s tests. YOU JUST GET BETTER.


A CHAMPION knows that we are much  like a knife. When a knife becomes dull we sharpen it. WE on the other hand can’t afford to become “dull”. WE  must do whatever it takes to keep our edge and remain SHARP. This is the CHAMPION WAY.


If you want to have something that you have never had before then you’ll need to do something that you’ve never done before. A CHAMPION knows that the worst thing that can happen is you wind up LEARNING FROM THE EXPERIENCE.


You have 2 choices. You can let someone else manufacture your identity or you can create your own. CHAMPIONS always CREATE their own. It’s so much more rewarding. Well, you are a CHAMPION aren’t you. The answer is YES.

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