5 Top Morning Nuggets For December
When your plan is the only plan that you have, you may feel like your feet are stuck in cement. You are going nowhere. This is especially true when your ONLY PLAN is no longer viable. It’s always best to have sound alternatives available for quick execution.
THE MIND is all you got. Use it well. Say to yourself- “Today I will strive to do better. I will accept constructive criticism without lashing out. I am committed to improving my performance”. ( at home and at work.) The result: You will do and feel a lot better!
Your choices are like choosing from a menu in a restaurant. I would like this and that. Your life also will reflect what you choose from the menu of life. Choose wisely and carefully. If you don’t you will have a perpetual tummy ache & headache.
There are THREE THINGS you can do to make next year YOUR YEAR.
- STOP being a puppet to impulses.
- Get ACTIVE in your own RESCUE
- START acting AS IF you already are what you intend to become.
Some thoughts about being more profitable this year:
- No matter what you have done, YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER.
- If you are tired of being lapped in the race of life, IT’S TIME TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
- It’s the experience you have that counts. Have more of them.