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5 Top Morning Nuggets For February

A CHAMPION OF LIFE knows that bad news IS NOT like wine. It never gets better with age. Bad news does get better the moment it sees the light of day. You can then do something about it.


Problems remain hidden because your team is afraid of being punished and marginalized for speaking up. Sad culture you created. You are not a CHAMPION OF LIFE.  Just what is your decision-making process about?  


A CHAMPION OF LIFE knows that what you call FAILURE is merely a negative result hanging around SUCCESS. This is a great thought because SUCCESS is closer than you think. In fact, it may be just over the horizon or just around the corner.


Small problems often present themselves before they turn into big problems that spiral out of control. Therefore a CHAMPION OF LIFE is great at detecting the smoke before it turns into a raging fire 


COURAGE is required to begin, continue and finish. COURAGE is also required to stand up and speak and to sit down and listen. So tell me when are you going to finally use YOUR COURAGE?

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