5 Top Morning Nuggets For May
One thing that is as plentiful as water is KNOWLEDGE. You can have as much of it as you desire. Because information is changing at a rapid speed, keep your KNOWLEDGE spigot open. Never shut it off.
Every successful company follows NEWTON’S 3rd law of physics. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Helping employees’ skillsets grow gives them more confidence. Your ROI: sales skyrocket, profits explode, customer retention is best ever.
Have you determined the one skill, if developed, that would have the greatest impact on your ability to advance and be recognized? Just asking.
Your BRAND IS NOT your logo nor your advertising. It is much more than this. Your BRAND is what your customers say you are. How you interact with them, each and every time, will determine the magnitude of your profitability.
When a prospective customer decides between doing business with you or your competitor, what might be the difference maker? Could it be the promises you don’t keep or the caring, competent service you don’t provide?