5 Top Morning Nuggets For October
You can’t learn anything from experiences you are not having. Settling for MEDIOCRITY and JUST AVERAGE is not an answer. You only get to live life once. It is your job to squeeze the most out of the adventure. Are you? #MorningNuggets
It’s usually NOT that gigantic crisis that pulls you off your current path. It’s the normalization of poor effort that does the job unusually well. Check your Effort Meter daily.
Think how much more efficient and in control you would be if you changed your vocabulary just a bit. Stop saying to yourself, I OUGHT TO DO and I SHOULD DO….. SAY I CHOOSE TO DO (after appropriate consideration of the facts and circumstances.)
Do not be afraid of feedback from others. Effective feedback is the only true way to measure your progress. When someone offers feedback do not argue. Instead, just say thank you.
Think ahead. Your life should not be filled with 365 days of reruns, where every day is the same as the day before. Strive for a life of growth, adventure and purpose. Break the cycle of sameness. As always, it’s your choice.