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5 Top Morning Nuggets For October

If your financial situation resembled a simple math problem, you would not be in debt to the extent that you are. One part of you says, “I’ll spend money on other stuff, then I’ll  save.” Eventually the math won’t add up.


The amount of people that rate themselves  “happy” has been on the decline for years. Having more things does not make people happy. Becoming the person you long to be is much more significant. BECOMING let’s you can have it all- for the right reasons.


Often the worst thing you can do is to blindly follow the herd. Your job is to determine what is best for you and your family. You do this by carefully examining that next move. The herd never carefully considers that next move.


Sometimes money becomes something else. Lottery winners believe their winnings provide freedom,but they lose it all. Some believe that money is security, but it’s never enough. When money becomes something else, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR WAY.


Too many people become encased in cement when they dwell on the things that they CANNOT DO. When some abilities are taken away, pause the CANNOT DO button and press the CAN-DO button. When you try this, your life could be imbued with meaning once again.


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