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Top Morning Nuggets For August

You will be much, much happier when you GROW and IMPROVE. STRIVING TO BE YOUR BEST every day means that you DARE to BREAK FREE from your comfort zone. This may frighten you at first. However, this deed will ultimately pay HUGE DIVIDENDS. 


Business rank should  not matter to a LEADER when discussing possible solutions in a meeting. They should want the best ideas to be implemented. IDEA MERITOCRACY should be the focal point. A FAKE LEADER will ensure their  idea wins the day because it’s THEIR idea. Respect, no respect. Your choice


 A VICTIM ROLE is something to avoid. At times, each of us has played this role. Many can rise up and move on. For those stuck in the role, ASK FOR HELP.  Getting up and staying up will become transformative, when you seek help.


Have you ever said to yourself upon waking up, “THIS IS MY DAY?”

Have you walked into a work meeting and said to yourself, “I’M GOING TO MAKE THIS A GREAT MEETING?” Have you returned home from work and said, “I WILL LEARN ABOUT MY KIDS” DAY?”  Why not?


There can never be a HERE in the future or past. So when you attempt to backstep into the past or  spend time in the future, time is wasted  because all activities and  observations that COUNT happen only in the HERE & NOW.

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