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Top Morning Nuggets For December 2024

Will your kids remember you as being the best parents? Here’s how you will know. Do they ever  call you for advice on a serious matter? Do they ever call to see how you are? You see, IT”S NOT WHAT YOU HAVE GIVEN TO THEM THAT COUNTS. IT”S WHAT YOU PUT IN THEM THAT IS THE METRIC THAT COUNTS. 


Only YOU can redefine your past, and reimagine your future by acting on your present. A thought is MUCH MORE than just a thing. A thought, your thought, can influence many things. Like, WHAT YOU DO TODAY. So, here is a question to ponder: WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU CAN DO TODAY TO GET YOU GOING WHERE YOU NEED TO GO?


It has been said that HOPE is the most powerful force known to man. I believe that this is true because HOPE, taken to its basic form, means that your tomorrow will be better. Let’s say that again: Your tomorrow will be better.This will happen whenever you combine your thoughts with your actions. Your THACTIONS will get you through, around, under, or over anything that gets in your way.


 It has been artfully said that between stimulus and response there is a PAUSE. The PAUSE provides time to consider what to think, feel and do. In life, the PAUSE IS EVERYTHING. It is the time to gather yourself. It is the time to smother emotions that could lead to harmful consequences.   It’s the time you can  propel yourself to a higher standard of humanity when dealing with the OTHER. The PAUSE breaks the connection to jumping to yet another erroneous conclusion. The PAUSE breaks the connection to coloring thought with a prejudicial perspective. The PAUSE breaks the connection to assigning blame.The PAUSE provides that crucial moment for you to stop justifying your own bad behavior  to the OTHER because they are no longer a THING-a label and are now viewed by you as a PERSON. By treating them as  a person you can learn from and about them. Perhaps for the first time. Everyone has a personal story to tell. When you finally see the OTHER as a person, you, can hear what they have to say, perhaps even for the first time. And most of all, you have the power to HELP THINGS GO RIGHT INSTEAD OF DEALING WITH THINGS WHEN THINGS ARE ALREADY WRONG. YES IN DEED. THE PAUSE IS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SUCCEED.


 In a rapidly changing world it is far better to IMPROVE yourself than  to PROVE yourself to be right. It has been wisely said that the purpose of learning is to allow each of us to EVOLVE our thoughts and beliefs. While some believe that their wrong opinions can be shielded in the echo chamber of their supporting group at home and or at work- TO ADVANCE AND GET AHEAD it is wise to ask The DIFFERENCE MAKER  QUESTION: What evidence would you need to see that would give you a different perspective?

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