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Top Morning Nuggets For February

Too many people become encased in cement when they dwell on what they CANNOT DO. When some abilities are removed, pause the CANNOT DO button and press the CAN-DO button. When you try this, your life could be imbued with meaning once again. Rethinking about your current abilities is a difficult process. You can do it.


 The thought that THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT allows people to IGNORE  the bad results that have occurred in the past. You are asking for trouble. Most likely, THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT thinking will only get you into trouble. Think again.


Many people fail to benefit from meaningful and caring constructive criticism because they refuse to hear and accept carefully crafted concerned comments. Their overreaction causes them to continue to under-correct. Another opportunity for greatness wasted.


When negotiating an agreement, getting a YES or a NO is better than receiving an I’LL THINK IT OVER. You know where you stand with a YES or a NO. An I’LL THINK IT OVER  can mean that the other person is uncertain you can be of value. Improve your approach.


Life is not like a parachute jump. You don’t have to get everything right the first time. As long as you strive to eventually get relationships and other important decisions correct, your life will improve immensely. 

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