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Top Morning Nuggets For July

LEARNING a new way and LEARNING from mistakes andLEARNING to believe allows HOPE to be the most powerful force in the universe. You can’t HOPE your way through life BUT you can have HOPE when THOUGHTS lead to ACTION and Action leads to LEARNING.


Never let a thought roam around your mind UNRESTRAINED. Study the thought for its effect. Once a thought is accepted, act on it. The action allows an objective to be achieved. A thought then action-A CHAMPION OF LIFE. Hello Champion.


LEARNING MODE can be your tool for success when used purposefully. Imagine having a process that helps you make better decisions FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. LEARNING MODE promotes MENTAL TOUGHNESS and  enhances CLARITY OF THOUGHT,  as you easily bulldoze through those obstacles of life.


Today’s Lesson: How to make a TERRIBLE DECISION:

                HAVE NO ALTERNATIVES.



                If you remain in your well-established impenetrable MENTAL SILO, disaster is     approaching


The next time you are in a low confidence/low competence situation, there is only one thing to do. Ask this question: What information do I need to do this successfully? Feeling stupid is temporary. Remaining stupid is STUPID.

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