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Top Morning Nuggets For June

A word of wisdom that will take you a long way: BE KIND because everyone you meet is fighting their own battle of some kind.Kindness is the universal language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.


 When it is finally obvious to you that your target goal cannot be reached, don’t modify or eliminate the goal, modify your action steps that will enable you to reach that goal. Often, upon reflection, you will discover the problem is in the doing.


 Protect your body. A wise man once said that a healthy man wants many, many things. A sick man only wants one. As long as you violate the principle of protecting your body,your goals and dreams will remain on standby.


Understanding that FAILURE can turn into a treasured EDUCATION is one of the most enlightening realizations you will ever make. It frees you up to learn another lesson that needs to be taught. This makes climbing the ladder of success so much more fun.


If you are NOT WILLING to learn, no one can help you. If you are DETERMINED to learn, no one can STOP YOU. The Learning Mode Method applies to your business, personal and family life. It’s now a month later, 6 months later, 1 year later- Can you see the new you yet? 



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