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Does it Pay to Love More and Hate Less? You Bet it Does

You play these mental games in your head. It begins with throwing mental knives at people who irritate you; rub you the wrong way; or are the subject of your wrath for any perceived transgressions. The instant reactions beg a broader question; Why react at all? Is it not better to understand that people who […]

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The Coronavirus is One Problem-The War Between Your Negative & Positive Self-Talk Is The Other

As the mental and physical restraint from the Coronavirus plays out, you probably feel that you have lost control over your life. Through no fault of yours’, you have lost your salary and /or income, your freedom to travel, your freedom to enjoy family, your independence, and painfully, you have no answers to important questions. […]

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LEARNING a new way and LEARNING from mistakes andLEARNING to believe allows HOPE to be the most powerful force in
A CHAMPION OF LIFE knows that what you call FAILURE is merely a negative result hanging around SUCCESS. This is
It is important to create a MENTAL VAULT that cannot be breached. When distractions are cast aside and first impressions