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Top Morning Nuggets For January

Think how much more efficient and in control you would be if you changed your vocabulary just a bit. Stop saying to yourself,  I OUGHT TO  DO and I SHOULD DO….. SAY   I CHOOSE TO DO (after appropriate consideration of the facts and circumstances.)   ACCOMPLISHMENT is your birthright. SUCCESS and ATTAINMENT are the […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For February

I was reminded again today that KINDNESS is the only language that the deaf can HEAR and the blind can SEE. Boy, you can go so much farther and reach heights you only dream about if you stop for one moment  and use authentic KINDNESS which includes CARING and CONCERN for others.    A WINNER […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For October

Here is something I want you to think about. Many professionals speak of “DIFFERENTIATION”. I like to talk about clients’ talents as “YOUR UNIQUES”. Take a moment and ruminate about your specialness- about what others have told you that separates you from the pack. We’re talking about what makes you different. This could be the […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For June

A word of wisdom that will take you a long way: BE KIND because everyone you meet is fighting their own battle of some kind.Kindness is the universal language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.    When it is finally obvious to you that your target goal cannot be reached, don’t modify […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For March

Typically, it’s easy to decide what you are GOING TO DO. It is much more difficult to decide what NOT to do.  But when you think in terms of CONSEQUENCES of the action contemplated by that THOUGHT, it all becomes so clear.     Isn’t time to get out of Life’s quicksand? Perhaps it is […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For December

When your plan is the only plan that you have, you may feel like your feet are stuck in cement. You are going nowhere. This is especially true when your ONLY PLAN is no longer viable. It’s always best to have sound alternatives available for quick execution.   THE MIND is all you got. Use […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For November

Problem is really an opportunity in disguise. It is something to learn from. Successful people fully understand this concept. They only have learning experiences. How successful do you want to become?     If you think no one can hear your thoughts, think again. Everyone can see your actions and by implication know your thoughts. Now […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For April

A superior decision will always be made when WHAT SHOULD NOT BE DONE is considered as well with WHAT SHOULD BE DONE. There is usually NO ONE in charge of the former-so why not you? If success was guaranteed, there would be nothing you would fear doing. A THOUGHT: You can, through your thinking and […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For February

A CHAMPION OF LIFE knows that bad news IS NOT like wine. It never gets better with age. Bad news does get better the moment it sees the light of day. You can then do something about it.   Problems remain hidden because your team is afraid of being punished and marginalized for speaking up. […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For January

Take a daily inventory: Look at what went right today; what went wrong; determine the degree to which you contributed to the situation you now find yourself in. You’ll gain unvarnished insight.   There are important merits in learning from mistakes. Yet, many feel that a failure IS THE DEFINING MOMENT. Life will not let […]

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