You Have the Power- WHAT IF You Decided to Use it For A Change-You Could Rule Your LIFE
Like confetti thrown at your favorite parade, your thoughts likewise get thrown about and are discarded in a similar way. A thought molecule doesn’t stand a chance as it becomes invisible among the masses of other thoughts. Even when a thought cries out “Here I am, I’m over here”, it often goes unnoticed and unheard. […]
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The Coronavirus is One Problem-The War Between Your Negative & Positive Self-Talk Is The Other
As the mental and physical restraint from the Coronavirus plays out, you probably feel that you have lost control over your life. Through no fault of yours’, you have lost your salary and /or income, your freedom to travel, your freedom to enjoy family, your independence, and painfully, you have no answers to important questions. […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets For February
If you are settling for an average life, know that your life CAN BE SO MUCH MORE. You are your own guiding force. Like the pilot behind the controls, you can soar as high as you desire. YOU CAPTAIN, just need to take over the controls and navigate. The number one reason you are […]
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