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Top Morning Nuggets For December

Many folks have a dream and put it away in a secret place and never look at it again. Now go to that place and  view it  every day until you have turned your stored away dreams into something real important.    This morning have you said for the one thousandth time, It’s not the […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For October

You can’t learn anything from experiences you are not having. Settling for MEDIOCRITY and JUST AVERAGE is not an answer. You only get to live life once. It is your job to squeeze the most out of the adventure. Are you? #MorningNuggets     It’s usually NOT that gigantic crisis that pulls you off your current […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets for September

It is never a good idea to overdo it. The situation can become destructive when you drench someone with a firehose, when all they asked for was a cup of water.     The information age will continue to shatter the amount of information available for consumption. This has already brought a cataclysmic shift in […]

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A Lost and Found is not for People

It was a day like most other days- full of hope and expectations. Today my wife and I were homeward bound after enjoying a wonderful vacation. As the wheels of the plane made contact with the tarmac, I mouthed a silent enthusiastic “YES”, denoting relief to a safe arrival after a rather bumpy flight. All […]

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LEARNING a new way and LEARNING from mistakes andLEARNING to believe allows HOPE to be the most powerful force in
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