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Top Morning Nuggets For August

FOCUS can be a two way street. It can make you better at completing  your task. It can also, by concentrating only on that task at hand, cause you to to fail to see that perhaps there could be a better approach. KEEP THE EYES WIDE OPEN.   Especially in these trying times, the most […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For May

One thing that is as plentiful as water is KNOWLEDGE. You can have as much of it as you desire.  Because  information is changing at a rapid speed,  keep your KNOWLEDGE spigot  open.  Never shut it off.   Every successful company follows NEWTON’S 3rd law of physics. For every action there is an equal and […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For April

A superior decision will always be made when WHAT SHOULD NOT BE DONE is considered as well with WHAT SHOULD BE DONE. There is usually NO ONE in charge of the former-so why not you? If success was guaranteed, there would be nothing you would fear doing. A THOUGHT: You can, through your thinking and […]

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The Conversation Determines the Success of Every Relationship

Good conversations (personal or business) are an easy way to dismantle the barriers that block respectful and meaningful relationships from developing. Good conversations can create lasting, loving connections between people when their collective thoughts and feelings are heard and considered. It is the QUALITY of this conversation that keeps all relationships moving in a positive […]

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Stop Your Stinkin Thinkin and Start Thinking A Better Way

Why is it that no matter your age and maturity, you still make bad choices and bad decisions? Gosh, I know you are tired of making bad decisions; tired of saying,  How could I have been so stupid? It would help if you stopped saying that there was nothing I could have done to change […]

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