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5 Top morning Nuggets For September

When things don’t go well or don’t go according to plan, be comfortable with saying, NEXT TIME I CAN MAKE THINGS BETTER AND DO BETTER. The WINNING MOVE in the game of life is to improve upon your performance. It’s that simple.   You can’t learn anything from experiences you are not having. Settling for […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For July

You have the right to fulfill your dreams as long as they are really YOUR DREAMS. It’s impossible to be happy living someone else’s dreams. When you do, your dreams will ultimately turn into nightmares.   Everyone achieves things twice. Once in the mind. And once out there in the “world”.  Thoughts are so powerful. […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets for March

Todays Lesson: How to make a terrible decision- HAVE NO ALTERNATIVES. IGNORE DISSENTING VOICES. ACCEPT EACH  ASSUMPTION AS TRUE. Keep thinking in your well established impenetrable MENTAL SILO. Do this and disaster will be around the corner.    There is a HUGE difference between arriving at a conclusion you WANT TO BE TRUE compared to […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For December

 Becoming a CHAMPION, lets you excel on the playing field of life. A CHAMPION knows  how one interprets events will determine the future. This could be more important than what actually transpired. Are you a CHAMPION?    There are important merits in learning from mistakes. Yet, many feel that a failure IS THE DEFINING MOMENT. […]

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‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas I lay there in bed With a million thoughts Going round in my head   This year life took wicked turns Life was just a bust No matter my efforts Things ended in disgust   I thought I did everything right Hey, I even had a plan But, no matter […]

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You Have the Power- WHAT IF You Decided to Use it For A Change-You Could Rule Your LIFE

Like confetti thrown at your favorite parade, your thoughts likewise get thrown about and are discarded in a similar way. A thought molecule doesn’t stand a chance as it becomes invisible among the masses of other thoughts. Even when a thought cries out “Here I am, I’m over here”, it often goes unnoticed and unheard. […]

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