5 Top Morning Nuggets For September
Here is what Momentum really looks like: It’s a force of life that makes going uphill feel like you’re going downhill. You unleash momentum by propelling your very own molecule of thoughts into ACTION. Thoughts then action. If you are like most people, too much time is devoted to TV, talk radio, the web, and […]
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You Have The Power To Be Great-Do You Have The Guts?
Once there was a boy who had enough aspirations to fill two lives. While he was growing up, television was a big influence. He wanted to be Dr. Kildare (doctor), Perry Mason (lawyer), Columbo ( detective), and Mr. Novak (teacher) all rolled into one. Each character had amazing qualities. Each helped find solutions to intractable […]
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The Coronavirus is One Problem-The War Between Your Negative & Positive Self-Talk Is The Other
As the mental and physical restraint from the Coronavirus plays out, you probably feel that you have lost control over your life. Through no fault of yours’, you have lost your salary and /or income, your freedom to travel, your freedom to enjoy family, your independence, and painfully, you have no answers to important questions. […]
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