Top Morning Nuggets For January
When you wake up in the morning and you are eager to begin your day, do you have any idea how your day will end when you walk back into your home? Let me ask another question that will get you thinking more deeply. Did you WIN today or did you MATTER today? How you answer […]
Read moreTop Morning Nuggets For November
Perhaps the greatest STOP SIGN you will face in life is the voice in your head that screams at you WHAT WILL PEOPLE (only you can name that person)THINK? On the other side of this proverbial STOP SIGN printed in bold letters is the word FEAR. Even though the bible restates over and over BE […]
Read moreTop Morning Nuggets For August
When you are not feeling well, you call your doctor. When your car is not working you call the mechanic. When your appliance is not working, you call the repairman. What happens when your career and life are giving you fits- WHO DO YOU CALL??????? There is no need to figure LIFe out by yourself. […]
Read moreTop Morning Nuggets For May
In these perilous times, you can thrive if you have the unwavering constitution that prevailing is the only choice. It’s a clear opportunity that you will have to “show them what you’re made of.” The point: Go beyond resilience. Become ANTIFRAGILE–MUCH STRONGER. It’s time you ask yourself this key question: Is my GO TO […]
Read more5 Top Morning Nuggets For February
When you ask this question: WHAT MATTERS MOST? You will be on the path to success and achievement in your personal, business and family life. WHAT MATTERS MOST TO YOUR COLLEAGUES, FAMILY AND FRIENDS? ALWAYS a powerful question to ask yourself. There are two types of people in this world. Those who will have goals […]
Read more5 Top Morning Nuggets For December
When your plan is the only plan that you have, you may feel like your feet are stuck in cement. You are going nowhere. This is especially true when your ONLY PLAN is no longer viable. It’s always best to have sound alternatives available for quick execution. THE MIND is all you got. Use […]
Read more5 Top Morning Nuggets For August
Never intrude into another’s life. Giving unwanted advice, no matter how sound or no matter how caring, can itself ignite a flame of relationship strife. Better to ask, Would you like to hear my thoughts on that? Within your mistakes lies the gold. Mistakes make you wiser and smarter faster if you take the […]
Read more5 Top Morning Nuggets for June
Pushing forward without first seeing instant tangible results,IS THE PATHWAY to achieving a phenomenal future. The compound explosion effect occurs whenever you maintain a sustained activity. A penny that doubles in value every day will be worth 16 cents after 5 days and over $10,000,000 26 days later. Great results take time and they […]
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One thing that is as plentiful as water is KNOWLEDGE. You can have as much of it as you desire. Because information is changing at a rapid speed, keep your KNOWLEDGE spigot open. Never shut it off. Every successful company follows NEWTON’S 3rd law of physics. For every action there is an equal and […]
Read more5 Top Morning Nuggets For April
A superior decision will always be made when WHAT SHOULD NOT BE DONE is considered as well with WHAT SHOULD BE DONE. There is usually NO ONE in charge of the former-so why not you? If success was guaranteed, there would be nothing you would fear doing. A THOUGHT: You can, through your thinking and […]
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