5 Top Morning Nuggets For February
If you are settling for an average life, know that your life CAN BE SO MUCH MORE. You are your own guiding force. Like the pilot behind the controls, you can soar as high as you desire. YOU CAPTAIN, just need to take over the controls and navigate. The number one reason you are […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets for January
It is often said that no plan survives execution. There are always unpredictable or unforeseen factors that will exert its influence. That is why you always need a nimble“Plan B that allows you to pivot in another direction. When your plan is the only plan that you have, you may feel like your feet […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets for November
If your financial situation resembled a simple math problem, you would not be in debt to the extent that you are. While you may prudently desire to save for retirement, another part of you says, no, I’ll spend money on other stuff, then I’ll save. Sometimes, the math just doesn’t add up. Often the […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets For October
You can’t learn anything from experiences you are not having. Settling for MEDIOCRITY and JUST AVERAGE is not an answer. You only get to live life once. It is your job to squeeze the most out of the adventure. Are you? #MorningNuggets It’s usually NOT that gigantic crisis that pulls you off your current […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets for September
It is never a good idea to overdo it. The situation can become destructive when you drench someone with a firehose, when all they asked for was a cup of water. The information age will continue to shatter the amount of information available for consumption. This has already brought a cataclysmic shift in […]
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When you strive to be right someone has to be wrong. You can never lead when the focus on rightness makes you both deaf and blind to hearing alternative thoughts. Great opportunities truly become invisible. Problems will always grow gradually then suddenly. You can solve a problem when it is the size of a […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets For July
The overwhelming need to be right is not right. Better to do what is right…. Now that sounds right. A person who lacks the resilience to bounce back after an error, will do everything to show he is right. When being right overtakes doing what is right, the company, the person, the family will eventually […]
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How many times have you asked yourself unenthusiastically, “Is that all there is?” when surveying your life. You know you can do so much more, but life has you in what seems like an inescapable stranglehold . You can’t bust free. Your lack of strength prevails because self-doubt – like an invading virus, weakens the […]
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