5 Top Morning Nuggets for June
Arriving at a conclusion is rather easy. Many say that is when all thinking stops. Instead of being satisfied with an answer, ASK: HOW ELSE CAN I THINK ABOUT THIS? Sometimes, you will even arrive at a better solution. Understanding that FAILURE can turn into a treasured EDUCATION is one of the most enlightening […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets for May
You would be more tolerant of others when you picture their actions as efforts to do the right thing. This requires looking at things from their perspective. This also requires that you stop jumping to conclusions. Different personality traits see the same things -differently. Better to focus upon the things you should do […]
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Stop Your Stinkin Thinkin and Start Thinking A Better Way
Why is it that no matter your age and maturity, you still make bad choices and bad decisions? Gosh, I know you are tired of making bad decisions; tired of saying, How could I have been so stupid? It would help if you stopped saying that there was nothing I could have done to change […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets For April
Too many people have REGRETS they can’t do anything about as they are about to enter those pearly gates. So, it’s time you get serious and ask yourself, AM I THE BEST ME POSSIBLE? Asking this now could change THE COURSE OF YOUR LIFE. Stop mixing up the past and future with the present. […]
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The omnipotent Coronavirus has the power to bring the most intelligent and robust specie to its knees. And it has-for the moment. Who would ever had thought that the sky could be falling, and hell could freeze over? Whether humankind succeeds in the fight, quite frankly, depends on you. For such a time as […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets For February
If you are settling for an average life, know that your life CAN BE SO MUCH MORE. You are your own guiding force. Like the pilot behind the controls, you can soar as high as you desire. YOU CAPTAIN, just need to take over the controls and navigate. The number one reason you are […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets For October
You can’t learn anything from experiences you are not having. Settling for MEDIOCRITY and JUST AVERAGE is not an answer. You only get to live life once. It is your job to squeeze the most out of the adventure. Are you? #MorningNuggets It’s usually NOT that gigantic crisis that pulls you off your current […]
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5 Top Morning Nuggets For July
The overwhelming need to be right is not right. Better to do what is right…. Now that sounds right. A person who lacks the resilience to bounce back after an error, will do everything to show he is right. When being right overtakes doing what is right, the company, the person, the family will eventually […]
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How many times have you asked yourself unenthusiastically, “Is that all there is?” when surveying your life. You know you can do so much more, but life has you in what seems like an inescapable stranglehold . You can’t bust free. Your lack of strength prevails because self-doubt – like an invading virus, weakens the […]
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