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Top Morning Nuggets For July

Fear, worry and doubt will stop you from achieving. Yet, you can do ANYTHING you want when you simply take it ONE LITTLE STEP AT A TIME. Your job is to understand that each task you do can take you closer to your goal. And each task you do can take you in the opposite […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For June

A word of wisdom that will take you a long way: BE KIND because everyone you meet is fighting their own battle of some kind.Kindness is the universal language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.    When it is finally obvious to you that your target goal cannot be reached, don’t modify […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For April

Don’t be like a fish and take the bait because IT’S dangling in front of you. Carefully examine each situation. Then take the appropriate action. The best possible course of action requires a well thought-out response instead of an INSTANT emotional reaction.     The world is in a reset mold. Your MENTAL RESET thought: […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For February

When you ask this question: WHAT MATTERS MOST? You will be on the path to success and achievement in your personal, business and family life. WHAT MATTERS MOST TO YOUR COLLEAGUES, FAMILY AND FRIENDS? ALWAYS a powerful question to ask yourself. There are two types of people in this world. Those who will have goals […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For January

Have you ever thought about or considered that KNOWING WHAT TO IGNORE and WHAT NOT TO THINK ABOUT is among the most important jobs that you have, if you really want to attain respect and success?  It is important to create a MENTAL VAULT that cannot be breached. When distractions are cast aside and first […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For December

When your plan is the only plan that you have, you may feel like your feet are stuck in cement. You are going nowhere. This is especially true when your ONLY PLAN is no longer viable. It’s always best to have sound alternatives available for quick execution.   THE MIND is all you got. Use […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For November

Problem is really an opportunity in disguise. It is something to learn from. Successful people fully understand this concept. They only have learning experiences. How successful do you want to become?     If you think no one can hear your thoughts, think again. Everyone can see your actions and by implication know your thoughts. Now […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For August

Never intrude into another’s life. Giving unwanted advice, no matter how sound or no matter how caring, can itself ignite a flame of relationship strife. Better to ask, Would you like to hear my thoughts on that?    Within your mistakes lies the gold. Mistakes make you wiser and smarter faster if you take the […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For May

One thing that is as plentiful as water is KNOWLEDGE. You can have as much of it as you desire.  Because  information is changing at a rapid speed,  keep your KNOWLEDGE spigot  open.  Never shut it off.   Every successful company follows NEWTON’S 3rd law of physics. For every action there is an equal and […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets for March

Todays Lesson: How to make a terrible decision- HAVE NO ALTERNATIVES. IGNORE DISSENTING VOICES. ACCEPT EACH  ASSUMPTION AS TRUE. Keep thinking in your well established impenetrable MENTAL SILO. Do this and disaster will be around the corner.    There is a HUGE difference between arriving at a conclusion you WANT TO BE TRUE compared to […]

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