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‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas I lay there in bed With a million thoughts Going round in my head   This year life took wicked turns Life was just a bust No matter my efforts Things ended in disgust   I thought I did everything right Hey, I even had a plan But, no matter […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For September

 Here is what Momentum really looks like: It’s a force of life that makes going uphill feel like you’re going downhill. You unleash momentum by propelling your very own molecule of thoughts into ACTION. Thoughts then action.  If you are like most people, too much time is devoted to TV, talk radio, the web, and […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets for August

In times like these, even though it may be difficult, have a positive outlook. Studies show that positivity helps you to be PROACTIVE, CREATIVE and SOLUTION FOCUSED. That is what is needed in times like these, Isn’t it?  Examine your explanatory style. There is THE EVENT. Then, WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT THE EVENT. If you […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets for July

A problem can stop you dead in your tracks. Only you have the absolute power to determine whether you will be  stopped TEMPORARILY or PERMANENTLY. Like most things in life it’s just another choice that you make. Words you speak hang in the air forever. So choose your words carefully. Nothing can filter out and […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets for June

Arriving at a conclusion is rather easy. Many say that is when all thinking stops. Instead of being satisfied with an answer, ASK: HOW ELSE CAN I THINK ABOUT THIS? Sometimes, you will even arrive at a better solution.   Understanding that FAILURE can turn into a treasured EDUCATION is one of the most enlightening […]

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The Coronavirus is One Problem-The War Between Your Negative & Positive Self-Talk Is The Other

As the mental and physical restraint from the Coronavirus plays out, you probably feel that you have lost control over your life. Through no fault of yours’, you have lost your salary and /or income, your freedom to travel, your freedom to enjoy family, your independence, and painfully, you have no answers to important questions. […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For October

You can’t learn anything from experiences you are not having. Settling for MEDIOCRITY and JUST AVERAGE is not an answer. You only get to live life once. It is your job to squeeze the most out of the adventure. Are you? #MorningNuggets     It’s usually NOT that gigantic crisis that pulls you off your current […]

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5 Top Morning Nuggets For July

The overwhelming need to be right is not right. Better to do what is right…. Now that sounds right. A person who lacks the resilience to bounce back after an error, will do everything to show he is right.  When being right overtakes doing what is right, the company, the person, the family will eventually […]

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You can fulfill your dreams as long as they are  yours. It’s impossible to be happy living someone else’s dreams.
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