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Top Morning Nuggets For July

 Never let a thought roam around your mind UNRESTRAINED. Study the thought for its effect. Once a thought is accepted, act on it. The action allows an objective to be achieved. A thought then action-A CHAMPION OF LIFE. Hello Champion.   Today’s Lesson: How to make a TERRIBLE DECISION:                 HAVE NO ALTERNATIVES.                 IGNORE DISSENTING VOICES. […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For June

A CHAMPION OF LIFE knows that what you call FAILURE is merely a negative result hanging around SUCCESS. This is a great thought because SUCCESS could be closer than you think. It may be just over the horizon or just around the corner.   COURAGE is required to begin, continue and finish a task. You […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For May

Your life can be in order at one point and then in chaos the next moment. Order is structure. It is having a floor beneath your feet. Chaos is unexplored territory. It’s like having the carpet suddenly pulled out from under you. The point: Each is TEMPORARY.    Are you becoming the person who strolls […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For April

Becoming a CHAMPION OF LIFE, lets you excel on the playing field of life. A CHAMPION knows that how you interpret events will determine your future. This could be more important than what actually transpired. You can look at the event and play the victim. You can also experience the same event with grit and […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For March

 Taking the pulse of your business is important. Too many businessmen ignore important data while looking in the business REAR VIEW MIRROR. Typical financial statements let you know what has happened. By then it’s too late.    It’s great that you are deep in thought about what to do next. But thoughts alone will never […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For February

I was reminded again today that KINDNESS is the only language that the deaf can HEAR and the blind can SEE. Boy, you can go so much farther and reach heights you only dream about if you stop for one moment  and use authentic KINDNESS which includes CARING and CONCERN for others.    A WINNER […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For January

When you wake up in the morning and you are eager to begin your day, do you have any idea how your day will end when you walk back into your home? Let me ask another question that will get you thinking more deeply. Did you WIN today or did you MATTER today? How you answer […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For December

Because life is a continuous search for wisdom, it is a good move to BELIEVE that that person you are speaking with may know something you don’t. LIsten with all your might and ask insightful questions. That is all that you’ll need. Go ahead, it’s time to listen.   The goodness of your inner light […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For November

Perhaps the greatest STOP SIGN you will face in life is the voice in your head that screams at you WHAT WILL PEOPLE (only you can name that person)THINK? On the other side of this proverbial STOP SIGN printed in bold letters is the word FEAR. Even though the bible restates over and over BE […]

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Top Morning Nuggets For October

Here is something I want you to think about. Many professionals speak of “DIFFERENTIATION”. I like to talk about clients’ talents as “YOUR UNIQUES”. Take a moment and ruminate about your specialness- about what others have told you that separates you from the pack. We’re talking about what makes you different. This could be the […]

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